Monday, November 13, 2006


melbourne's latest entry into the real fasshion market: eastern market. woz are u in town to go check it out this week?
article on japanese designers and eastern market from the age

got a problem with my hoody?, not sure if anyone has posted this before

i rarely give sneakers any props these days, (who really needs another pair) but check the bernhard wilhelm air raid inpsired kick at figure 8
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
the white with the multi couloured polka dot are my fav. christmas is coming up

event of the week? i have no idea. suggestions?

btw, does anyone know why the code is all fucked up?


Pete Le Creep said...

the code on the blog? why is the list of contributors and shit all the way at the bottom?

RDJ said...

it's just your machine dude.

Jonuts said...

event of the week..


ATRAk. too easy...

Pete Le Creep said...

isnt atrak in st kilda?
is it possible for the event of the week to take place on the wrong side of the river?

Wozka wozka said...

new shop sounds interesting
i gotta check out those dotted wilhelms as well